Planned Gift for the Arboretum Realized
October 10, 2018

Back in the late 1970s 1980s, Fred Andrews spent much of his free time enjoying the collections at the Arboretum, occasionally volunteering or taking a gardening workshop on native plants. As his health declined, the frequency of his visits declined and eventually stopped. Over the course of the past ten years or so, alumni Charity Kenyon and Mike Eaton developed a friendship with Fred, unrelated to his interest in the Arboretum. In his final months, during a conversation about estate planning, Charity and Mike reminded Fred about his love of the Arboretum. It was at that time that Fred decided to leave an unrestricted gift of $540,000 to the Arboretum, which the campus received in August. The gift allows the Arboretum to complete a number of small capital projects aimed at improving visitor experiences, purchase a much-needed truck and add to it's endowment.