Facility Rentals

When renting the Horticulture 2 Meeting Hall or our small Jean & Bill Lane Library, you and your event attendees are invited and encouraged to walk about and enjoy the gardens. Benches and picnic tables throughout the gardens are open to all visitors including event attendees on a first come, first serve basis. 

Our rentable spaces may be enjoyed between 9am and 5pm daily, as available. All rentals must be cleaned up and off the premises by garden closing time at 5pm. 'After-hours' are NOT available. 'Early-hours' may be available by special arrangment and an additional fee.

The Arboretum is a mostly self-supporting unit on campus. Rental fees assist with our ability to keep the gardens alive and well. Thank you for your support!


1. Check availability: 

Horticulture 2 (Hort 2) calendar  

Jean & Bill Lane Library calendar  

2. Review rental details and fees for each space 

3. Use our online Rental Request Form to inquire about an appropriate space for your event 

Note: Even if a facility calendar shows that the room is available, reservations are not guaranteed until our Arboretum staff confirm all the details with each renter.

* Effective July 1, 2025: we are increasing our rental fees and will post the new rates as soon as they are approved through the campus' Miscellaneous Fees Review process. 


Horticulture 2 Meeting Hall ("Hort 2") 

Our meeting hall is ideal for meetings, lectures, and trainings.                                                                                

         hort-2-symetrical-full-room.jpg       hort-2-av-podium-area-front-of-room.jpg               

Rental Fees:

        Full Day:    9am to 5pm   

  • $400 campus groups
  • $500 off-campus groups     
Note: leave time for all guests to be off-site before the gardens close at 5pm  

Small group/half day:  < 30 people and less than 4 hrs       

  • $250 campus groups
  • $350 off-campus groups*


1,630 sq. feet- 35’ wide x 48’  Carpeted area is 35’ x 35’ & concrete area is 35’ x 13'


Lecture seating / no tables - up to 75 persons max
Classroom with tables / Meal seating - up to 65 persons max


  • 75 chairs and 12 rectangular 6’ tables 
  • Wall mounted projection screen (10’ x 10’) , microphone and amplification, wooden podium, and small projector table
  • Wifi (via ‘UCSC Guest’ or 'Eduroam') 
  • A large, wooden 'conference' table at the back of the room is ideal for food and drink set up
  • A small sink, microwave and kitchen countertop. Refrigerator space can be arranged ahead of time.
  • Operable heater with thermostat (no AC)
  • Operable windows for fresh air


  • $45/day:  Projector (4000 lumen - includes projector set up with hdmi cable to podium)     
  • $150:  Set-up fee (we'll rearrange chairs and tables for you) 
  • $65/day:  DTEN - equipment for video conferencing, linked to UCSC Google calendar 'rooms'   
*Off Campus Rentals are required to submit a $500 security deposit and to secure event insurance - see details below.                       

Jean & Bill Lane Library Room 

The Jean & Bill Lane Library Room is our small botanical library and multipurpose room.

The space is ideal for a small group meeting or training situation, 4-10 persons. (10 pp max) 

library-tables-tv-from-entry.jpg       library-entrance-books.jpg

Rental Fees:

Full day:
  • $175   campus groups (9-5)                 
  • $200   off-campus groups  (9-5) 
     Half day (4 hrs):
  • $125   campus groups (4 hrs between 9-5)          
  • $175   off-campus groups (4 hrs between 9-5) 
Note: leave time for all guests to be off-site before the gardens close at 5pm 


  • Two 3' x 5' wooden tables and paded chairs
  • Included: swivel-mounted 60” TV & monitor perfect for video and powerpoint presentations
  • Operable heater with thermostat (no AC)
  • Operable windows for fresh air


  • $65/day:  DTEN - equipment for video conferencing, linked to UCSC Google calendar 'rooms' (rentable only if not already reserved)   

Outdoor Patio Area

Available as an Add-On to Hort 2 Meeting Hall Rental ONLY

lower-patio-facing-stairs--arb-office.jpg       upper-patio-area-facing-hort-2-building.jpg

Rental Fee:

  • $300 campus and non-campus users 

Rental Add-on includes set-up of up to 12 white folding chairs and up to 3 folding tables if not already in use from inside Hort 2. 

January 2025:

We are no longer renting Arboretum facilities or gardens for weddings or birthday parties.  

The Australian Rock Garden & Group Picnic Area is not available to rent.     


Additional Rental Information

The Arboretum is OPEN: 9am - 5pm

Early Hours: Early hours can be arranged IF staff are available and for an additional fee.

Early Hours (7am to 9am):  $100/hour

No After Hours available - all Arboretum guests must be off site by 5pm

All equipment, supplies, trash, etc. must be removed and all event attendees off the premises by the Arboretum's 5pm closing time. The renter agrees to pay an additional fee of $200 per hour for exceeding these times. 


Up to 35 vehicle maximum. Encourage your guests to car-pool, ride bikes, bus or walk to the Arboretum. Our Visitor Parking lot has about 70 parking spots, half of which can be used for special events, the other half are reserved for our daily garden visitors. 

Additional parking & shuttle service may be coordinated with the campus’ Transportation and Parking Services unit, TAPS. For information and booking contact TAPS at: https://taps.ucsc.edu/parking/event-parking/index.html  

Room Set-Up 

Each rental option must include additional times for SET-UP and CLEAN-UP WITHIN THE STATED HOURS

If you don't have time or wish to simplify your rental experience, the Arboretum provides the service of Room Set-Up for $150. 

If you choose to do your own room set-up, you must agree to the Set Up Instructions on the rental contract, provided after a date has been approved. 


See the UCSC Approved Caterers List. You do not need to use a caterer from this list if you are picking up and bringing catered food to the Arboretum yourself. 


ABC may be required for events involving alcohol - Alcohol Beverage Control licensing and permit requirements can be found at https//:abc.ca.gov/ . For rentals wishing to have beer or wine for guests to enjoy, please assign someone responsible for not allowing anyone under the age of 21 access to alcohol during the event. 

Security Deposit and Payment 

Security Deposit: A $500 deposit is required to book for all non-campus affiliated rentals. The full deposit will be refunded three weeks after the event should no damages or additional fees be incurred.

Full payment is required to book the indoor meeting hall. The full facility rental fee must be received no later than 30 days prior to the event.  Failure to remit payment may result in loss of reservation and forfeiture of fees paid to date.

Damage to plants, equipment, furniture or carpet will result in charges equal to the cleaning or replacement costs and will be taken out of the security deposit. 

Campus Affiliates:

Discounted rental fees are offered for UCSC departmental and student organization meetings, events, trainings and campus-sponsored celebrations. The discount does not apply to students, staff or faculty using the space for personal events. In the case of memorials & celebrations of life for a UCSC student, staff or faculty member, we will offer the discount if a recharge is to be used for payment, thus confirming this is a department-supported event. 


Individuals and outside organizations hosting events not sponsored by the University must obtain appropriate insurance in order to rent UC Santa Cruz Arboretum facilities. If an event will include alcohol, additional coverage is required. For more information, please visit https//:abc.ca.gov/

To utilize UCSC insurance partnerships, please visit http://ucsc.campusconnextions.com 

The person named on the application and permits is liable for the event and must be present at the event throughout the entire use period. The renter shall not assign or sublease any portion of the Arboretum. Caterers, bartenders, musicians and other entertainers are also required to carry appropriate insurance. Their insurance needs to name The Regents of the University of California as an additional insured as well as the renter of the facilities. General - Minimum Insurance Requirements for Contractors/External User typically apply. 


Live accoustic music (no amplification) in Hort 2 is permissable. Please inquire with the Arboretum Staff cordinator about your musical intentions. 


Cancellations occurring more than 60 days in advance of the event will be reimbursed the rental fees received to date. Cancellation of a confirmed rental reservation within 30 days, will result in a $50 cancellation fee.