UCSC Spring Plant Sale on April 13, 2019 will feature a Silent Auction of Hort industry donations and our selections of unusual, rare, first offerings, and artful arrangements. Second up in our offerings: Xeronema moorei, an extremely rare New Caledonian endemic that is not hard to grow, with protection from frost. A slow growing pot plant that fills allotted space with sprays of tough, rubbery, sword-shaped leaves, it is easier to flower than its somewhat more common sister species, Xeronema callistemon that we will also offer. For a time X. moorei was an exclusive UCSC Arboretum holding that has been shared with Atlanta BG. With occasional seed availability, it may be seen on line selling for several hundred dollars at a very small size. We will have one plant about 3 years from flowering in a 4 in pot.
Read a bit about Xeronema here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xeronema